There are several workshops in the Maitri Yoga ‘catalogue’! Please see below and inquire / request. Workshops can also be offered off-site, however a space suitable for yoga is a requirement.


YOGA FOR BETTER SLEEP - combines yogic information about sleep hygiene and parasympathetic yoga

YOGA NIDRA - a very special practice of stillness, yogic sleep

YOGA FOR LOWER BACK PAIN - theory of back pain, emotional and anatomical factors, therapeutic yoga poses

KING AND QUEEN OF POSES - Salamba Shirshasana, Salamba Sarvangasana - the fabulous inversions (head- and shoulderbalance)

SPINAL REJUVENATION - an amazing private - or semi-private session on the yoga wall. (Older flier below).

THE HIP HIP SERIES - a thorough study of the health, mobility and function of the hip through six deep poses

TOWARDS EMOTIONAL BALANCE - a collaborative workshop with a counsellor. Yoga really can help!

YOGIC FOOT CARE - a perennial favorite, makes even a great girls night out. Awaken your feet!

YOGA FOR KNITTERS - this is a session of soothing care for those sore hands and wrists. Home exercises provided.

YOGA FOR EQUESTRIANS - a special workshop for competitive equestrians focusing on legs, pelvis and posture

BASICS OF YOGA PHILOSOPHY I - ahh… this is where you learn about Yamas and Niyamas. We even play a game!

BASICS OF YOGA PHILOSOPHY II - this workshop introduces the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - we learn three key sutras

PRANAYAMA BASICS - an introduction to the Yogic art of breathing and breathwork. There is more to breathing than we think…

If your desired topic is not on the list, please inquire. This list is not exhaustive.


FLIER OF AN EARLIER SPINAL REJUVENATION workshop -  the fabulous Purna Yoga anti-aging series, as created by Aadil. 

spinal rijuvart spring 2016.jpg